PURA. Purism In Antiquity: Theories Of Language in Greek Atticist Lexica and their Legacy

Manuscripts and Editions

Neapolitanus II D 30 – Ne

Diktyon: 46116

A. Description

Previous descriptions: Formentin (1995, 34–5).

Reproductions: –

Family: d2 / h

Siglum: Ne

Shelfmark: Neapolitanus II D 30

Date: End of 15th century (more precisely, 1490–1491)

Format: paper, 210×150 mm, I+165 ff.

Material: in good condition.

Binding: the manuscript preserves the 16th-century binding of the Monastery of S. Giovanni a CarbonaraS. Giovanni a Carbonara (Naples).

Watermarks: see Formentin (1995, 34).

Scribes: A: ff. 1–62v, 83r–99v, 136r l. 4–139v, 143v–147v, 154v–165v; B: ff. 63r–82v, 140r–143r, 150–154r; C: ff. 100r–136r l. 3; D: ff. 148r–149v. On ff. 9r–v there are notes in Latin by Aulo Giano ParrasioAulo Giano Parrasio. See Formentin (1995, 34).

Annotations: at f. 164r Antonij Seripandi ex Iani Parrhasij testamento ‘Antonio Seripando’s property by Giano Parrasio’s testament’; on f. 165v δόξα σοὶ τῷ μόνῳ θεῷ ςϡϙθ ‘glory to you, the one and only God [in the year] 6999 (= 1490–1491)’.

B. Content

1 (1r‒165r). Pollux, Onomasticon. No title. The work is preceded by a summary of all ten books which occupies ff. 1r–8v (see also Laurentianus plut. 58.26Laur. plut. 58.26 and Ambrosianus A 78 sup.Ambr. A 78 sup.). On f. 9r Pollux’s work begins, preceded by the Prefatory EpigramPrefatory epigram (Pollux) titled Πολυδεύκους ἔπη εἰς Κόμωδον τὸν βασιλέα. Incipit: ὦ παῖ πατρὸς ἀγαθοῦ (1.1). Explicit: κόρημα, κιβωτόν καὶ λήϊνον (10.192). Contains books 1 (ff. 9r‒32v), 2 (ff. 32v‒50r), 3 (ff. 50r‒59v), 4 (ff. 59v‒78r), 5 (ff. 78r‒87r), 6 (ff. 87r‒101r), 7 (ff. 101r‒112r), 8 (ff. 112r‒131v), 9 (ff. 131v‒149r), and 10 (ff. 149r‒165r). On f. 165v there is the rubricated Closing EpigramClosing epigram (Pollux) in dodecasyllables.

f. 165v: blank.

C. History

According to the subscription on f. 165v, the manuscript can be dated to 1490–1491, and was written in the region of OtrantoOtranto (region) (Hydrunton in Greek) by four scribes. The note in Latin on f. 165r, Antonij Seripandi ex Iani Parrhasij testamento ‘Antonio Seripando’s property by Giano Parrasio’s testament’, shows that it belonged to Aulo Giano ParrasioAulo Giano Parrasio (1470–1521), a Calabrian humanist, who on his death bequeathed his library to his friend and protector Antonio SeripandoAntonio Seripando (1476–1531). The manuscript was later transferred to the library of San Giovanni a Carbonara in Naples (see Tristano 1989, 102–3). Parrasio’s library included another copy of Pollux, manuscript Neapolitanus III E 38Neap. III E 38 (Np), which shares the same origin and many variant readings with Ne.


Abbamonte, G. (2023). ‘La presenza di Omero nella biblioteca e nelle opere di Aulo Giano Parrasio’. Silvano, L.; Taragna, A. M.; Varalda, P. (eds.), Virtute vir tutus. Gent, 37–61.

Formentin, M. R. (1995). Catalogus codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae nationalis Neapolitanae. Vol. 2. Rome.

Tristano, C. (1989). La biblioteca di un umanista calabrese: Aulo Giano Parrasio. Rome.


Jacopo Cavarzeran, 'Neapolitanus II D 30 – Ne', in Olga Tribulato (ed.), Digital Encyclopedia of Atticism. With the assistance of E. N. Merisio.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30687/DEA/2974-8240/2024/02/020

This article provides a codicological and historical description of the manuscript Neapolitanus II D 30, containing the text of Pollux’s Onomasticon.

Italian RenaissanceIulius PolluxOtranto (region)S. Giovanni a Carbonara (Naples)Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III



