DEA is the work of the PURA research team, but is also open to external contributions.
The first batch of lexicographic entries, uploaded in 2022, was produced by Federica Benuzzi, Federico Favi, and Olga Tribulato.
The second instalment of lexicographic entries was published in June 2023, and contains work by Roberto Batisti, Federica Benuzzi, Federico Favi, Giulia Gerbi, Andrea Pellettieri, and Olga Tribulato.
The third batch was published in December 2023 with work by Roberto Batisti, Federica Benuzzi, Giulia Gerbi, Elisa Nuria Merisio, Andrea Pellettieri, and Giorgia Scomparin.
The fourth batch was published in June 2024.
The “Transmission” section of DEA will contain work by Jacopo Cavarzeran, our post-doctoral fellow in philology and paleography.
Crucial editorial assistance was provided by Giorgia Scomparin (summer 2022) and is now provided by Elisa Nuria Merisio, who has joined PURA thanks to funding from the FARE programme of Italian Ministry of University.
DEA has been made possible thanks to Daniele Fusi, who has developed the digital project and the Cadmus program, the strategic support of the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (Franz Fischer, Federico Boschetti), and our partnership with the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A. Zampolli” – CNR Pisa, a member of the Clarin-IT cluster.