PURA. Purism In Antiquity: Theories Of Language in Greek Atticist Lexica and their Legacy

Lexicographic entries

κρύβω, κρύπτω
(Phryn. Ecl. 290)

A. Main sources

(1) Phryn. Ecl. 290: κρύβεται φεῦγε διὰ τοῦ β λέγειν καὶ κρύβεσθαι, ἀλλὰ διὰ τοῦ πτ κρύπτεται καὶ κρύπτεσθαι φαθί.

Refrain from saying κρύβεται (‘(s)he hides’) and κρύβεσθαι (‘to hide’) with β. Say instead κρύπτεται (‘(s)he hides’) and κρύπτεσθαι (‘to hide’) with πτ.

B. Other erudite sources

(1) Et.Parv. κ 24: κεκρύφει· ἐκ τοῦ κρύβω, ὁ μέλλων κρύψω, ὁ παρακείμενος κέκρυφα, ὁ ὑπερσυντελικὸς κεκρύφει καὶ σὺν ἀρχούσῃ ἐκεκρύφει.

Cf. Et.Gud. 311.24–6.

κεκρύφει (‘I had hidden’): [It derives] from κρύβω (‘I hide’), the future [tense is] κρύψω (‘I will hide’), the perfect [tense is] κέκρυφα (‘I have hidden’), the pluperfect [tense is] κεκρύφει (‘I had hidden’) and with the first [syllable] ἐκεκρύφει.

C. Loci classici, other relevant texts

(1) LXX 4Re. 11.3: καὶ ἦν μετ’ αὐτῆς ἐν οἴκῳ κυρίου κρυβόμενος ἓξ ἔτη· καὶ Γοθολια βασιλεύουσα ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς.

And he (i.e. Joash) was with her (i.e. Jehosheba) hidden in the house of the Lord for six years. And Athaliah did reign over the land.

(2) Hippol. Dan. 2.21.5: ἐὰν γάρ τις χωρὶς ἁγίου πνεύματος ᾖ, οὗτος δειλιῶν ἀγωνιᾷ καὶ φοβούμενος κρύβεται καὶ τὸν πρόσκαιρον θάνατον εὐλαβεῖται καὶ μάχαιραν καταπτήσσει καὶ κόλασιν οὐχ ὑπομένει.

Indeed, if someone is deprived of the Holy Spirit, he is frightened at the idea of fighting, hides himself because he is afraid, takes precautions against death even though it proves temporary, cowers at the sight of a sword, and cannot bear torture.




Elisa Nuria Merisio, 'κρύβω, κρύπτω (Phryn. Ecl. 290)', in Olga Tribulato (ed.), Digital Encyclopedia of Atticism. With the assistance of E. N. Merisio.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30687/DEA/2974-8240/2024/01/003

This article collects the erudite texts on the verbs κρύβω and κρύπτω and the ancient loci classici concerning them.




